StringGrid - adicionando, removendo e ordenando uma coluna |
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procedure GridRemoveColumn(StrGrid: TStringGrid; DelColumn: Integer); var Column: Integer; begin If DelColumn <= StrGrid.ColCount then begin For Column := DelColumn To StrGrid.ColCount-2 do StrGrid.Cols[Column].Assign(StrGrid.Cols[Column+1]); StrGrid.ColCount := StrGrid.ColCount-1; end; end;
procedure GridAddColumn(StrGrid: TStringGrid; NewColumn: Integer); var Column: Integer; begin StrGrid.ColCount := StrGrid.ColCount+1; for Column := StrGrid.ColCount-1 downto NewColumn do StrGrid.Cols[Column].Assign(StrGrid.Cols[Column-1]); StrGrid.Cols[NewColumn-1].Text := ''; end;
procedure SortGrid(Grid: TStringGrid; SortCol: Integer); var i, j: integer; Temp: TStringList; begin Temp:= TStringList.Create; with Grid do for i := FixedRows to RowCount - 2 do {because last row has no next row} for j:= i+1 to RowCount-1 do if AnsiCompareText(Cells[SortCol, i], Cells[SortCol,j]) > 0 then begin Temp.Assign(Rows[j]); Rows[j].Assign(Rows[i]); Rows[i].Assign(Temp); end; Temp.Free; end;