Funcao - funcoes do pascal |
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unit Unit2;
interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;
type Tnumeros = array[1..10] of string[15]; Tmoeda = array[1..3,1..2] of string[10]; var cTexto,cValor1,cPosicao1,cPosicao2,cPosicao3,cPosicao4 : string; cTipoMoeda: Byte; const aUnidade : Tnumeros = ('UM ','DOIS ',' TRES ',' QUATRO ',' CINCO ',' SEIS ', ' SETE ',' OITO ',' NOVE ',''); aDezena : Tnumeros = ('DEZ ','VINTE ','TRINTA ','QUARENTA ','CINQUENTA ', 'SESSENTA ','SETENTA ','OITOTENTA ','NOVENTA ',''); aDezena2 : Tnumeros = ('DEZ ','ONZE ',' DOZE ','TREZE ','QUATORZE ', 'QUINZE ','DEZESSEIS ','DEZESSETE ','DEZOITO ','DEZENOVE '); aCentena : Tnumeros = ('CENTO ','DUZENTOS ','TREZENTOS ','QUATROCENTOS ', 'QUINHENTOS ','SEISCENTOS ', 'SETECENTOS ','OITOCENTOS ','NOVECENTOS ',''); aMilhar : Tnumeros = ('MIL ','MILHAO ','MILHOES ','','','','','','',''); aMoeda : Tmoeda = (('CRUZEIRO ','CRUZEIROS '),('DOLAR ','DOLARES '),('REAL ','REAIS ')); aCentavo : Tnumeros = ('CENTAVO','CENTAVOS','','','','','','','','');
Function Left(inString : String; numChars : Byte) : String; Function Right(inString : String; numChars : Byte) : String; Function Len(inString : String) : Byte; Function LTrim(inString : String) : String; Function RTrim(inString : String) : String; Function Trim(inString : String) : String; Function Empty(inString : String) : Boolean; Function SubStr(inString : String; numChars, strSize : Byte) : String; Function PutStr(inString,putString: String; where: Byte) : String; Function Stuff(putString, inString: String; where: Integer) : String; Function Lower(inString : String) : String; Function Upper(inString : String) : String; Function Instr(Temp_Item: String; From, Size: Byte): String; Function NoTrailZeros(tempStr : String) : String; Function MkStr(I,W:Integer) : String; Function Spaces(i:Byte):String; Function LeadZeros(inString :String) : String; Function Str2Bin(inString :String) : Real; Function IfStr( Text, Pattern : String) : Integer; Function DayOfWeek( Day : Integer ): String; Function Fix(x : Real): Real; Function Int(x : Real): Real; Function OCT( Value : Longint ): String; Function Hex( Value : Longint ): String; Function ASC( inString : String ): Byte; Function RAD( Degrees : Real ): Real; Function DEG( Radians : Real ): Real; Function LOG( x : Real ): Real; Function SGN( x : Integer ): Integer; Procedure DefSeg( SegValue : Integer ); Function Peek( Offset : Word ): Byte; Function PeekW( Offset : Word ): Word; Function PeekL( Offset : Word ): Longint; Procedure Poke( Offset: Word; Value : Byte ); Function TAN( x : Real ): Real; { input must be in radians } Function Input( prompt : String): String; Function InputS( prompt : String): String; Function InputI( prompt : String): Integer; Function InputR( prompt : String): Real; function vercgc(snrcgc:string):Boolean; function vercpf(snrcpf:string):Boolean; function Alltrim(Text : string) : string; function BuscaDireita(Busca,Text : string) : integer; function BuscaTroca(Text,Busca,Troca : string) : string; function Repete(Caractere : char; nCaracteres : integer) : string; function StrZero(Num : Real ; Zeros,Deci: integer): string;
{.pa} const
WeekDays : Array[1..7] of String = ('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday', 'Thursday','Friday','Saturday');
Months : Array[1..12] of String = ('January','February','March','April','May', 'June','July','August','September','October', 'November','December'); CR = Chr(13); LF = Chr(10); FF = Chr(12); ESC = Chr(27); BS = Chr(08); Space = ' '; Yes = True; No = False;
Var Segment : Word; { Preset to zero } GMT : Boolean; Suppress : Boolean;
{ {+---------------------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function FIX - Truncates x to an integer :} {+---------------------------------------------------------------------+} {: format : v = FIX(x) :} {: FIX strips all digits to the right of the :} {: decimal point and returns the value of the :} {: digits to the left of the decimal point. :} {: :} {: The difference between FIX and INT is that FIX does not return the :} {: next lower number when x is negative. :} {+---------------------------------------------------------------------+} FUNCTION Fix(x : Real): Real; Begin Fix := x - Frac(x); End;
{+---------------------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function INT - Truncates x to an integer :} {+---------------------------------------------------------------------+} {: format : v = INT(x) :} {: INT strips all digits to the right of the :} {: decimal point and returns the value of the :} {: digits to the left of the decimal point. :} {: :} {: The difference between FIX and INT is that FIX does not return the :} {: next lower number when x is negative. :} {+---------------------------------------------------------------------+} FUNCTION Int(x : Real): Real; Begin If x < 0 Then If Frac(x) >= 0.5 Then Int := (x+1) - Frac(x) Else Int := Fix(x) Else Int := Fix(x) End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : DayOfWeek ( Get Day of the Week ) :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : DayOfWeek ( <expN1> ) :} {: :} {: Action : Uses Day input value to obtain Weekday :} {: ASCII string from constant array. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function DayOfWeek( Day : Integer ): String; Begin DayOfWeek := WeekDays[Day+1]; End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : LEFT :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : LEFT ( <expC> , <expN> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC> = character string :} {: <expN> = number of characters to return :} {: Integer value :} {: :} {: Action : Returns a specified number of characters :} {: in the character string <expC>, starting :} {: from the leftmost character. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function Left; Begin Left := Copy(inString,1,numChars) End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : RIGHT :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : RIGHT ( <expC> , <expN> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC> = character string :} {: <expN> = number of characters to return :} {: Integer value :} {: :} {: Action : Returns the rightmost <expN> portion of a :} {: character string <expC> :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function Right; Var index : Byte; Begin If numChars >= Length(inString) Then Right := inString Else Begin index := Length(inString) - numChars+1; Right := Copy(inString,index,numChars) End End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : LEN :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : LEN ( <expC> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC> = character string :} {: :} {: Action : Returns the dynamic length of character :} {: string <expC>. Nonprinting characters :} {: and blanks are counted. :} {: :} {: Result Type : Integer :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function Len; Begin Len := Ord(inString[0]); End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : LTRIM :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : LTRIM ( <expC1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC1> = character string :} {: :} {: Action : Returns <expC1> with all leading SPACES :} {: (blanks) removed. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function LTrim; Var p : Integer; Begin p := 1; While (inString[p] = '') and (p <= Length(inString)) Do inc( p ); If p > 1 Then Begin Move( inString[p], inString[1], Succ(Length(inString)) - p); dec(inString[0], pred(p)); End; LTrim := inString; End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : RTRIM :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : RTRIM ( <expC1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC1> = character string :} {: :} {: Action : Returns <expC1> with all trailing SPACES :} {: (blanks) removed. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function RTrim; Begin While inString[Length(inString)] = ' ' Do dec( inString[0] ); RTrim := inString; End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : Trim :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : Trim ( <expC1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC1> = character string :} {: :} {: Action : Returns <expC1> with all trailing SPACES :} {: (blanks) removed. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function Trim( inString : String ): String; Begin Trim := RTrim( inString ); End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : EMPTY :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : EMPTY ( <expC1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC1> = character string :} {: :} {: Action : Returns TRUE if <expC1> contains only :} {: SPACES (blanks). :} {: :} {: Result Type : Boolean :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function Empty; Var index : Byte; Begin index := 1; Empty := True; While (index <= Length(inString))and (index <> 0) do Begin If inString[index] = ' ' Then inc(index) Else Begin Empty := False; index := 0 End; End; End;
{.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : SUBSTR :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : SUBSTR ( <expC>, <expN1>[, <expN2>] ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC> = character string :} {: <expN1>,<expN2> = numeric value (Byte) :} {: :} {: Action : Returns a string of length <expN2> from :} {: <expC>, beginning with the <expN1>th :} {: character. The <expN1> and <expN2> must :} {: be in the range 1 to 255. If <expN2> is :} {: omitted or if there is fewer than <expN2> :} {: characters to the right of the <expN1>th :} {: character, all rightmost characters :} {: beginning with the <expN1>th character are:} {: returned. If <expN1> is greater than the :} {: number of characters in <expC>, SUBSTR :} {: returns a null string. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function SubStr; Begin SubStr := Copy(inString, numChars, StrSize ); End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : PUTSTR :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : PUTSTR ( <expC1>, <expC2>, <expN1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC1>,<expC2> = character string :} {: <expN1> = numeric value (Byte) :} {: :} {: Action : Replaces a portion of one string <expC1> :} {: with another string <expC2>. The :} {: characters in <expC1> beginning at :} {: position <expN1> are replaced by the :} {: characters in <expC2>. The number of :} {: characters replaced is equal to the length:} {: of string <expC2>. However, the :} {: replacement of characters never goes :} {: beyond the original length of <expC1>. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function PutStr; Var index, j : Byte; Begin index := Ord(putString[0]); { get size of input string} For j := where to where + (index-1) do inString[j] := putString[(j+1)-where]; PutStr := inString; End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : Stuff :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : Stuff ( <expC1>, <expC2>, <expN1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC1>,<expC2> = character string :} {: <expN1> = numeric value (Byte) :} {: :} {: Action : Replaces a portion of one string <expC2> :} {: with another string <expC1>. The :} {: characters in <expC2> beginning at :} {: position <expN1> are replaced by the :} {: characters in <expC1>. The number of :} {: characters replaced is equal to the length:} {: of string <expC1>. However, the :} {: replacement of characters never goes :} {: beyond the original length of <expC2>. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function Stuff; Begin Insert(putString, inString, where); Stuff := inString; End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : LOWER :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : LOWER ( <expC1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC1> = character string :} {: :} {: Action : Returns the specified character :} {: expression <expC1> in lowercase. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function Lower; Var index : Byte; tempString : String; Const Upset = ['A'..'Z']; LowSet = ['a'..'z']; Begin For index := 1 to Length(inString) do Begin If inString[index] in UpSet Then tempString[index] := Chr(Ord(inString[index])+32) Else TempString[index] := inString[index]; End; Lower := tempString; End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : UPPER :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : UPPER ( <expC1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC1> = character string :} {: :} {: Action : Returns the specified character :} {: expression <expC1> in uppercase. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function Upper; Var index : Byte; tempString : String; Begin For index := 1 to Length(inString) do tempString[index] := UpCase(inString[index]); tempString[0] := inString[0]; Upper := tempString; End;
{+-----------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function: I n s t r ( Instring ) :} {+-----------------------------------------------------------+} {: This function extracts a string beginning at pointer :} {: From in string Temp_Item for Size chars and returns Value.:} {+-----------------------------------------------------------+} Function Instr; Begin Instr := Copy(Temp_Item, From, Size); End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : NoTrailZeros :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : NoTrailZeros ( <expC1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC1> = character string :} {: :} {: Action : Removes trailing Zeros from the specified :} {: expression <expC1>. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function NoTrailZeros; Var index : Integer; tempString : String; Begin While tempStr[Length(tempStr)] = '0' Do tempStr[0] := Chr(Length(tempStr)-1); NoTrailZeros := tempStr; End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : MkStr ( Make String ) :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : MkStr ( <expN1>, <expN2> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expN1>,<expN2> = numeric values (integer):} {: :} {: Action : Makes a string of length <expN2> from :} {: Integer expression <expN1>. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function MkStr; Var temp1 : String; Begin Str(I:W,temp1); MKStr := temp1; End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : Spaces :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : Spaces ( <expN1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expN1> = numeric value ( Byte ) :} {: :} {: Action : Makes a string of length <expN1> which :} {: contains Space characters. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function Spaces; Var zip : String[255]; Begin FillChar(zip,i+1,' '); zip[0] := Chr(i); Spaces := Zip; End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : LeadZeros :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : LeadZeros ( <expC1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC1> = character string input :} {: :} {: Action : replace the leading spaces in a string :} {: with ASCII Zeros. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function LeadZeros; Var i : Integer; Begin i := 1; While inString[i] = ' ' do Begin inString[i] := Chr(48); inc(i); End; LeadZeros := inString; End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : Str2Bin ( String to Binary ) :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : Str2Bin ( <expC1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expC1> = Character string :} {: :} {: Action : converts a string containing an ASCII :} {: numeric value to an number. :} {: :} {: Result Type : Real :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function Str2Bin; Var i : Real; k : Integer; Begin Val(inString,i,k); Str2Bin := i; End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : IfStr ( If StringB in StringA ) :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : IfStr (<expC1>,<expC2>) :} {: :} {: where : <expC1> = Character string :} {: <expC2> = Character string :} {: :} {: Action : Determines if <expC2> exists within :} {: <expC1>. :} {: :} {: Result Type : Integer :} {: Result Values : 0 = char not in stringA :} {: 1-n = position of <expC2> within :} {: <expC1> :} {: :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function IfStr( Text, Pattern : String) : Integer; Begin IfStr := Pos( Pattern, Text ); End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : Oct Binary to Octal :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : Oct ( <expN1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expN1> = Binary number of type Longint :} {: :} {: Action : Converts a binary number of type Longint :} {: to a String containing 11 octal Digits. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function OCT( Value : Longint ) : String; Var i : Integer; j : Word; t1 : String; f : Boolean; Begin If Value < 0 Then Begin Value := Value - $80000000; F := True; End Else F := False; For i := 11 DownTo 2 Do Begin j := Value Mod 8; Value := Value Div 8; t1[i] := Chr( j+48 ); End; If f Then Value := Value + $2; j := Value Mod 8; t1[1] := Chr( j+48 ); t1[0] := Chr(11); i := 1; If Suppress Then While t1[i] = '0' Do Begin t1[i] := ' '; inc( i ); End; OCT := LTrim( t1 ); End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : Hex Binary to Hex :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : Hex ( <expN1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expN1> = Binary number of type Longint :} {: :} {: Action : Converts a binary number of type Longint :} {: to a String containing 8 Hex Digits. :} {: :} {: Result Type : String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function Hex( Value : Longint ):String; Var t1 : String; i : Integer; j : Word; f : Boolean;
Function HexChr( HexNibble : Byte ): Char; Begin If HexNibble < 10 then HexChr := Chr(HexNibble+48) Else HexChr := Chr(HexNibble+55); End; begin If Value < 0 Then Begin Value := Value - $80000000; F := True; End Else F := False; For i := 8 DownTo 2 Do Begin j := Value Mod 16; Value := Value Div 16; t1[i] := HexChr( j ); End; If f Then Value := Value + $8; j := Value Mod 16; t1[1] := HexChr( j ); t1[0] := Chr(8); i := 1; If Suppress Then While t1[i] = '0' Do Begin t1[i] := ' '; inc( i ); End; HEX := LTrim( t1 ); End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : ASC Get ASCII code from String :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : ASC ( <expS1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expS1> = ASCII String :} {: :} {: Action : Returns the numeric value of the first :} {: character of the String expression. :} {: :} {: Result Type : Byte :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function ASC( inString : String ) : Byte; Begin If Length( inString ) > 0 Then ASC := Ord( inString[1] ) Else ASC := 0; End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : RAD Convert from Degrees to Radians :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : RAD ( <expR1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expR1> = Degrees of type Real :} {: :} {: Action : Converts a number (REAL) containing :} {: Degrees to one expressed as Radians. :} {: :} {: Result Type : Real :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function RAD( Degrees : Real ) : Real; Begin RAD := Degrees * ( Pi / 180 ); End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : DEG Convert from Radians to Degrees :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : DEG ( <expR1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expR1> = Radians of type Real :} {: :} {: Action : Converts a number (REAL) containing :} {: Radians to one expressed as Degrees. :} {: :} {: Result Type : Real :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function DEG( Radians : Real ) : Real; Begin DEG := Radians * ( 180 / Pi ); End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : LOG Returns the Log :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : DEG ( <expR1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expR1> = number to obtain Log of :} {: :} {: Action : Returns the natural Logarithm of the :} {: argument. :} {: :} {: Result Type : Real :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function LOG( x : Real ) : Real; Begin LOG := LN( x ); End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : SGN Returns the Sign of argument :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : DEG ( <expI1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expI1> = number to obtain Sign of :} {: :} {: Action : If <expI1> is positive SGN returns 1 :} {: If <expI1> is zero SGN returns 0 :} {: If <expI1> is negative SGN returns -1 :} {: :} {: Result Type : Integer :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function SGN( x : Integer ): Integer; Begin If x = 0 Then SGN := 0 Else If x < 0 Then SGN := -1 Else SGN := 1; End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {:Procedure : DEFSEG (assign current segment register) :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : DEFSEG ( <expI1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expI1> = Integer value of Segment Reg :} {: Segment = Global Variable :} {: Action : Assigns <expI1> to the Segment Register :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Procedure DefSeg( SegValue : Integer); Begin Segment := SegValue; End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : Peek Get contents of memory address :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : Peek ( <expW1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expW1> = Offset of memory address of :} {: type Word :} {: :} {: Action : Gets contents of memory address as :} {: Segment:Offset. :} {: :} {: Result Type : Byte :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function Peek( Offset : Word ): Byte; Begin Peek := Mem[Segment:Offset]; End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : PeekW Get contents of memory address :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : PeekW ( <expW1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expW1> = Offset of memory address of :} {: type Word :} {: :} {: Action : Gets contents of memory address as :} {: Segment:Offset. :} {: :} {: Result Type : Word :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function PeekW( Offset : Word ): Word; Begin PeekW := MemW[Segment:Offset]; End; {.pa} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : PeekL Get contents of memory address :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : PeekL ( <expW1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expW1> = Offset of memory address of :} {: type Word :} {: :} {: Action : Gets contents of memory address as :} {: Segment:Offset. :} {: :} {: Result Type : Longint :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function PeekL( Offset : Word ): Longint; Begin PeekL := MemL[Segment:Offset]; End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Procedure : Poke Put contents of memory address :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : Poke ( <expW1>, <expB1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expW1> = Offset of memory address of :} {: type Word :} {: :} {: <expB1> = Byte of data to poke :} {: :} {: Action : Pokes contents of memory address. :} {: :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Procedure Poke( Offset: Word; Value : Byte ); Begin Mem[Segment:Offset] := Value; End;
{+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Function : TAN Computes Tangent of Angle :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} {: Syntax : TAN ( <expR1> ) :} {: :} {: where : <expR1> = number to obtain TAN of :} {: :} {: Action : Returns the Tangent of angle in radians :} {: :} {: Result Type : Real :} {+-------------------------------------------------------+} Function TAN( x : Real ) : Real; { input must be in radians } Begin TAN := Sin(x)*(1/Cos(x)); End; {.pa} Function Input( prompt : String): String; Var t1 : String; Begin Write(prompt); ReadLn(t1); Input := t1; End;
Function InputS( prompt : String): String; Var t1 : String; Begin Write(prompt); ReadLn(t1); InputS := t1; End;
Function InputI( prompt : String): Integer; Var t1 : String; Begin Write(Prompt); ReadLn(t1); InputI := Trunc( Str2Bin( t1 ) ); End;
Function InputR( prompt : String): Real; Var t1 : String; Begin Write(Prompt); ReadLn(t1); InputR := Str2Bin( t1 ); End;
Procedure Print(Tex : String); Begin WriteLn(Tex); End;
begin if (snrcpf <> ' . . - ') and (snrcpf <> '') then {if snrcpf <> ' . . - ' then} BEGIN try snrCpf := Copy(snrcpf,1,3)+Copy(snrcpf,5,3)+ Copy(snrcpf,9,3)+Copy(snrcpf,13,2); wcpfcalc := copy(snrCpf, 1, 9); wsomacpf := 0; for wsx1:= 1 to 9 DO wsomacpf := wsomacpf + strtoint(copy(wcpfcalc, wsx1, 1)) * (11 - wsx1); wcpfdigt:= 11 - wsomacpf mod 11; if wcpfdigt in [10,11] then BEGIN wcpfcalc:= wcpfcalc + '0'; END else BEGIN wcpfcalc := wcpfcalc + inttoStr(wcpfdigt); END; wsomacpf:= 0; for wsx1:= 1 to 10 DO wsomacpf := wsomacpf + strtoint(copy(wcpfcalc, wsx1, 1)) * (12 - wsx1); wcpfdigt:= 11 - wsomacpf mod 11; if wcpfdigt in [10,11] then BEGIN wcpfcalc:= wcpfcalc + '0'; END else BEGIN wcpfcalc := wcpfcalc + inttoStr(wcpfdigt); END; if snrcpf <> wcpfcalc then begin application.messagebox('C.P.F. Inválido !','Atenção!',mb_iconstop+mb_ok); vercpf := false; end else vercpf := true; except on econverterror do begin application.messagebox('Valor informado não é válido !','Atenção!',mb_iconstop+mb_ok); vercpf := false; end end END end;
function vercgc ; VAR WCGCCALC : STRING; WSOMACGC : INTEGER; WSX1 : SHORTINT; WCGCDIGT : INTEGER; begin if (snrCGC <> ' . . / -') and (snrCGC <> '') then BEGIN try snrcgc := Copy(snrcgc,1,2)+Copy(snrcgc,4,3)+ Copy(snrcgc,8,3)+Copy(snrcgc,12,4)+Copy(snrcgc,17,2); wCgcCalc := Copy(snrcgc,1,12); WSOMACGC := 0; {-----------------------------} for wsx1:= 1 to 4 do wsomacgc:= wsomacgc + strtoint(copy(wcgccalc, wsx1, 1)) * (6 - wsx1); for wsx1:= 1 to 8 do wsomacgc:= wsomacgc + strtoint(copy(wcgccalc, wsx1 + 4, 1)) * (10 - wsx1); wcgcdigt:= 11 - wsomacgc mod 11; if wcgcdigt in [10,11] then BEGIN wcgccalc:= wcgccalc + '0'; END else BEGIN wcgccalc := wcgccalc + inttoStr(wcgcdigt); END; {---------------------------------} wsomacgc:= 0; for wsx1:= 1 to 5 do wsomacgc:= wsomacgc + strtoint(copy(wcgccalc, wsx1, 1)) * (7 - wsx1); for wsx1:= 1 to 8 do wsomacgc:= wsomacgc + strtoint(copy(wcgccalc, wsx1 + 5, 1)) * (10 - wsx1); wcgcdigt:= 11 - wsomacgc mod 11; if wcgcdigt in [10,11] then BEGIN wcgccalc:= wcgccalc + '0'; END else BEGIN wcgccalc := wcgccalc + inttoStr(wcgcdigt); END; if snrcgc <> wcgccalc then begin application.messagebox('C.G.C. Inválido !','Atenção!',mb_iconstop+mb_ok); vercgc := false ; end else vercgc := true ; except on econverterror do begin application.messagebox('Valor informado não é válido !','Atenção!',mb_iconstop+mb_ok); vercgc := false; end end END
function Alltrim(Text : string) : string; begin while Pos(' ',Text) > 0 do Delete(Text,Pos(' ',Text),1); Result := Text; end;
function BuscaDireita(Busca,Text : string) : integer; var n,retorno : integer; begin retorno := 0; for n := length(Text) downto 1 do begin if Copy(Text,n,1) = Busca then begin retorno := n; break; end; end; Result := retorno; end;
function BuscaTroca(Text,Busca,Troca : string) : string; var n : integer; begin for n := 1 to length(Text) do begin if Copy(Text,n,1) = Busca then begin Delete(Text,n,1); Insert(Troca,Text,n); end; end; Result := Text; end;
function Repete(Caractere : char; nCaracteres : integer) : string; var n : integer; CadeiaCar : string; begin CadeiaCar := ''; for n := 1 to nCaracteres do CadeiaCar := CadeiaCar + Caractere; Result := CadeiaCar; end;
function StrZero(Num : Real ; Zeros,Deci: integer): string; var tam,z : integer; res,zer : string; begin Str(Num:Zeros:Deci, res); res := Alltrim(res); tam := length(res); zer := ''; for z := 1 to (Zeros-tam) do zer := zer + '0'; Result := zer+res; end;
end. |